Immersion and Emergence

Immersion and Emergence

This past week I “primitive” camped with some friends.  No internet or cell phone reception, no electricity or running water, no showers or shitters. I aligned with the natural rhythms of Mother Earth and myself. Awakening at dawnbreak with the song of birds. Eating...
Shine Your Light

Shine Your Light

A conjunction is about to occur, calling us to take action. The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere arrives Sunday, June 20th and continues into the 21st. “Solstice” is derived from the Latin term “solstitium;” “sol” meaning “sun” and “sistere” meaning...


Today is Memorial Day and I find myself both enraptured by the beauty of the day and saddened on personal and global levels. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to go through old photos and letters and while undergoing this process, I’m remembering my pain,...