Today is Memorial Day and I find myself both enraptured by the beauty of the day and saddened on personal and global levels. For whatever reason, I felt compelled to go through old photos and letters and while undergoing this process, I'm remembering my pain,...
The Energy of Anxiety
Let me share a secret. Anxiety is an energy and wants to help. This may sound crazy, as most of us don't like the forms that anxiety takes:Fear, worry, rumination, doubt, agitation, compulsions, even panic.When it has a stranglehold, it chokes out creativity, internal...
Witnessing the evolution of consciousness in my clients brings us both awe and inspiration what I call “inspiriting”. I've seen how negative self-perceptions create suffering. And the dynamic persists despite the knowledge that these beliefs are self-damaging and...
The Neutral Zone
When it's extreme, it's ours. Rage, feelings of inadequacy, shame, overwhelm. Reactivity is not due to people or situations in our lives. Response lies within. When extreme, it inadvertently blocks our way toward calmness, clarity, confidence. Blocks the way toward...
The Bittersweetness of Goodbyes
In my close to 40 years of helping people, I always find it bittersweet to say goodbye. I've developed a relationship with my clients. They open themselves up to vulnerability allowing me to see into them. Yeah, you've heard the cliché, “Into me see” regarding...
Hitting a Brick Wall
We've all been there. Hopeful. Goal-driven. Full of expectation. And then a brick wall halts all forward progress. Do you quake and crumble? The nature of the human condition is to have hopes and goals which solidify into expectations. And when not met, we're...