The Energy of Anxiety

Let me share a secret.

Anxiety is an energy and wants to help.

This may sound crazy, as most of us don’t like the forms that anxiety takes:
Fear, worry, rumination, doubt, agitation, compulsions, even panic.
When it has a stranglehold, it chokes out creativity, internal guidance and at-onement with Source.
It overwhelms mind, body and emotions, often eliciting shut-down.

You’re not alone if you dislike it, or try to distract or numb-out from it.

I’m keenly aware of anxiety as I’ve been working with it – within me throughout my life– and with clients over decades.

And the reality is: I LOVE anxiety.

Anxiety is a powerful energy, its motor revving, ready to catapult us into action and into the future.
That, in and of itself is admirable.

Years ago I was taken aback when a shaman friend called it “the Life Force.”
I had never conceptualized it as that.

And it. felt. so. true.
The finite body unable to house it.
The limited mind unable to control, contain or combat it.

When not in harmony with it, anxiety cannot gain traction it desires to direct forward movement. Instead, wheels spin, digging deeper into the stuck of
the “I gottas”
the “what ifs?”
the “shoulding on” oneself, and
the incessant “dotting the T’s and crossing the I’s.”

Yes, it’s important to be future-oriented and to have goals and a vision. Though when focused exclusively on the destination of perfectionism or worst-case scenario, we become derailed from the journey. We get ahead of ourselves in impatient attempts to fast-forward into the future of “catch up.” And catching up becomes a delusion with the perpetual “to-do list” one item crossed off, three added.
See how we suffer!

We cannot achieve satisfaction when coming from the perception of the constrained self with its attempts to overthrow anxiety.

If we desire to experience anxiety as “The Life Force” and to tap into the infinite and eternal, we must meet it from the Higher Self. Only then can we form a powerful union, enjoy the journey and co-create the future.

Benita Silver

Founder, FearlessHealers

Hey, Benita here,

I provide spiritual mentorship to high-energy healers to trust their intuitive guidance system, embody their true essence, take their power, and manifest their soul’s passion. This process
is the culmination of everything I’ve learned in my over 40 years of personal and professional experience as an intuitive energy healer, psychotherapist, art therapist, mindfulness instructor,
and Tantric yoga practitioner.

For more information on this transformative process, check out my Facebook page or send me a note.