
Discerning Truth in a Doubt-Filled World

Discerning Truth in a Doubt-Filled World

We live in a world where information is at our fingertips, where we can Google any topic and it miraculously pops up on the computer. Though we have access to infinite information, information is not necessarily Truth.  How do we discern Truth when beliefs and biases...

Self-Disclosure or Professional Boundaries

Self-Disclosure or Professional Boundaries

As a young therapist, I was told not to cry in session with my clients. I felt I couldn't help it. I was connected with them, empathic of their despair or in awe of their epiphanies and blossoming right before me. I went into session, determined. Don't cry. I dug my...

Dancing Leaves

Dancing Leaves

I'm noticing a shift. It's getting colder and the days are shorter as darkness descends. I watch the yellow leaves. Gusts of wind lifting them off branches, they dance and flutter to the ground. It feels like Autumn and it's almost upon us, also signaling the coming...

Fantasy and Reality

Fantasy and Reality

One day, I had three clients, all of whom began dating. They each spoke of finding themselves entranced within the realm of fantasy regarding potential partners. They loved the excitement, hope, dreams, even sexual stimulation. And why not? With fantasy, there's no...

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